Some car owners are curious about the taxi mode; Some car owners are afraid that the use is harmful to the car; Other car owners can't figure out the routine of taxi mode during use. They don't know what logic it is. Sometimes when the accelerator is released in gear 7, they enter taxi mode. Sometimes when it is released in gear 9, they can't enter taxi mode. Sometimes, when the accelerator is released at the speed of 65km / h, it will slide, and sometimes it will not work at 100km / h. Here's a little knowledge about Mercedes Benz taxiing mode.
Conditions for entering taxi mode:
1. The vehicle speed is above 60km / h.
2. The road is relatively flat without steep uphill and downhill. The specific data are not given. However, according to the automatic start and stop, if the downhill slope exceeds 10% and the uphill slope exceeds 12%, the start and stop system will be enabled. Therefore, the slope requirements of taxi mode should also be within 10%.
3. Stop pressing the accelerator.
4. It must be e driving mode.
Is taxi mode harmful?
You can rest assured that this taxiing mode is very different from the neutral taxiing we usually hear:
Neutral taxiing can easily cause damage to the transmission, and this taxiing mode is prepared by the vehicle. Before taxiing, the engine and transmission system will be connected, the transmission lockup clutch will be disengaged, and the clutch of the current gear will be disengaged. Therefore, don't worry about using the handle. If you don't think the fuel consumption is high, try this taxiing mode more, and you will gain.
How do I exit taxi mode?
This is very simple. You can exit the taxi mode by stepping on the accelerator, stepping on the brake, switching gears and switching driving mode. If the vehicle speed is lower than 60km / h, it will automatically exit the taxi mode. In addition, for AMG models, the taxi mode can also be enabled and disabled by using the eco button in C and e driving modes.
Performance in taxi mode
In coasting mode, the engine is equivalent to idling, the gear indication on the multi-function display will be hidden, and the D gear of the transmission will be displayed in green.