The traditional engine only uses one thermostat, and there is only one cooling circuit in the cylinder block and cylinder head. The temperature of the coolant is the same at both ends. Use the double circuit cooling method of two thermostats (as shown in Figure 1)? Respectively cool the liquid ring of the cylinder block and the liquid ring of the cylinder head. The coolant temperature of the two circuits is different.
Due to the serious heating of cylinder head, combustion chamber and exhaust seat, the cooling temperature is low (83? 98 ℃). Therefore, a lower cylinder head temperature is conducive to a fuller expansion, deflagration and longer exhaust seat life. The lower thermal strength of the cylinder block and the temperature of the coolant kept at 87? 102 ℃ (cylinder head above 4 ℃) are not only conducive to gas expansion, but also reduce friction and gas heat loss. Dual circuit cooling keeps both at optimum temperature.
The first is a two circuit cooling system

The double ring cooling system is basically the same as the traditional single ring cooling system. The main difference is that each cylinder block and cylinder head has a cooling circuit, and there are two thermostats in the coolant distribution box (as shown in Figure 2), which control the flow of coolant in one circuit. However, the coolant in both circuits also passes through the cylinder head.
Two way cooling system works
Two circuit cooling system flow circuit. Each cylinder block and cylinder head has a cooling circuit, and two thermostats are installed on the coolant distributor to control the coolant flow in the circuit. However, the coolant in both circuits also crosses in the cylinder head.